
11.11 The last day of ♥ This is it ♥ MJ

Last day of the Movie This is it, morning walk to college still talk wif James say wan goin to watch but reach college, lecturer say today class till 3pm >.<

thn 3pm is present time..for our group gt john and Syazana present , thn i answer question.. is more stress to do that cos nid more understanding to overall but i didn't thn kena shoot..hvn finish class thn me and Ah tung(james) we ponteng to watch this is it..Finally we get the ticket.. 6.30.. we ask joe wee come watch as well.. miko also..

MJ- This is it..

the stage effect and design really nice ^_^

Respect to MJ for the loving environment ^_^

This is the part which is making me almost crying, don knw why feel touch abt he so love the "green". at the same time my final project is about Green architecture also. The little girl in movie sacrifice her life to protect the flower.

we should start from now protect the planet.

*About the other post.. is sorry i will gonna update later cos recently really happen to many thg which is make me stress and no mood alot..later gona to go back kluang adi..after back KL will update ^_^ ciao.. bye*


11 月 3 号 。 紧记今天发生的一切

这是我警惕自己自己的一句话。。为什么。。因为。。last minute做功课使我再度中枪,无论我多努力,还是我错因为没有提早准备一切,对自己做的一切越来越不明白,但却为了交功课而去做,直到听到今天老师第二次fail的警告,才发现真的好怕,我在班上真的笑不出来了,可能你们会说老师吓你的,但如果发生在自己身上,你们就明白那感受。。我emo了,第一次为了学业,为了未来担忧,沮丧。。真的好怕,不能想象如果真的必须要重来。。我不是要人同情,关心。。现在我要的是自己的自动,需要一个明确的方向。。
更好的time management。。
Alex 即将成为我的roomate咯。。Double A Room。。哈哈。。说到他,对了。。haloween的post迟一些吧,因为今天的心情关系,写不出当天的快乐。。也在这再次祝福他一切顺利,快快乐乐。。 ^_^